We are pleased to announce Atlante Gestion’s new commitments in favour of sustainable development: the ESG Commission of France Invest and its Working Group Climate Initiative International (iCI)!
France Invest’s ESG Commission
France Invest’s ESG Commission brings together investment professionals to promote the integration of extra-financial ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) criteria in the exercise of their activity. Its members meet regularly to discuss with a view to strengthening their CSR strategy.
Initiative Climat International (iCi)
Created in 2015, the iCi brings together committed private equity players wishing to mobilize in favor of the environment. The initiative received support in 2019 from the UN-sponsored PRI – Principles for Responsible Investment.
Thus, through its two new partnerships, Atlante Gestion strengthens its responsible approach and contributes to the COP 21 objective of limiting global warming to 2°C.
For more information:
https:// collaborate.unpri.org/group/761/stream